Thursday, 8 May 2008

Great haul, and yet...

Time for what seems to be a monthly post. Apologies, things have really just been a bit crazy with trying to get things sorted for "The Thing". I'm not quite ready to discuss "The Thing", but I promise I will be spilling the beans soon. Probably towards the end of the month, but inevitably everyone will know soon anyways.
Anyways, as the title says, "Great haul, and yet...".
About 2 days ago I received a phone call from a good friend of mine, Roland, who happens to run a hobby shop. "Rudi, my old chum, my old mate, oh great guru of model related items" he says (okay... he didn't say "old chum"), "I've just received a call from a fella whom is selling an Aztek airbrush, in wooden box with 3 nozzles and a hobby compressor for R500." Now I won't get into the exchange rate discussion or even the math, but know that R1 (ZAR = South African Rand) equal about US$7-8. This is one good deal!
"What's wrong with it?" I says, being all too sceptical of this all too good sounding deal. "Well I haven't actually seen it," my chum says, "but apparently nothing. This dude needs cash urgently, today even, and is desperate to sell. I don't know too much more, but he bought it from Brian (the owner of another LHS) a few years back." Now, knowing what Brian sells, I probably have quite a good idea of the value of the item.
"Hmmm," I thinks doing the sums in me noggin (not only did I pass Matric with an A in mathematics and do 'varsity maths, but I can multitask!), "this all is worth over R2000 at least. The compressors sell for at least R1000-1500." Roland gives me his number and I prepare myself to tackle the next huge hurdle: clearing this transaction with the missus!
I'll spare you the embarrassment of me discussing (i.e. asking permission) this with the lil' lady, which I think must have brought a big smile to the faces of my colleagues, so we'll leave it at she said yes.
So, now having permission, I ring the seller up - no answer. A bit later, I ring him again - he answers. Turns put he's actually visiting Brian's store, which is not 5 minutes from where I'm working. Since it was near quitting time, I asked him to wait there for me.
With ants in my pants I eagerly watched the clock drag it's lazy arms for those 15 minutes before rushing out, telling the security guards to sod their Apartheid style car search.
Their waiting in Brian's store was a rather rough looking middle-aged gent. Unshaven and looking the worse for wear he'd definitely seen better days. We took a stroll out to his little hatchback sedan. I noted the Zimbabwe plates.
As we chatted, he revealed he had been working for a gent up in Zim, keeping the farmer's equipment running for many years. The gent had recently passed on through a series of unfortunate events: partially due to the state of that nation, partially due to illness, partially due to money hungry family members. The mechanic had been promised something for his years' service, but this had not materialised due to the meddling of aforementioned family. Now, he had moved down to SA in the hope of making a new life. Hard up for cash he was now selling off his modelling gear.
I checked the brush and compressor, I paid him and we parted ways.
But why the title "Great haul, and yet..."? Well simply because when I got home I gave the gear a really good looking over, and it's in great condition for stuff about 6-7 years old. Without a doubt, I've scored big time here. Seriously a great bargain! Great haul!
And yet... I feel guilty. I know the guy is hard up for cash. I know this stuff is worth more. I know if he had gone to a pawn shop or waited a few days more he could have got double, if not triple, the amount I payed him for it.
Should I feel guilty? I paid him exactly what he wanted...

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